Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sinking to the lowest common denominator & other randomosities

Why is it that man (woman, person) will always sink to the lowest common denominator when they think no one is looking? The obvious answer is sin nature, but even culturally, I am still amazed when people strive for mediocrity rather than excellence. We should want to do a good job at all times, not just when we think someone is watching us. Don't people want to take pride in what they do anymore?

I am watching the destruction of health care "as we know it" in Pittsburgh. This latest hospital downsizing/closing is a marker of changes in the industry, even ahead of "Obama-care." Or perhaps it is the beginning stages of it. As a nurse, it concerns me. As a health care consumer, it terrifies me. Choice is being eliminated for both consumer and health care provider. As a nurse, if I want to work in acute care, I have basically 2 hospitals in the city that just happen to have a lot of geographical points. One hospital is a behemoth and the other is a crumbling mess. One is known for paying poorly, and the other is known for being a financial mess. Neither one is serving the people of the city and its suburbs. As a consumer of health care, I am told where I can go and who I can see by some bureaucrats at the insurance company. Wealthy. Bureaucrats. Who probably have never even been to Pittsburgh and don't have a clue about what I want or need. And now these hospitals are the next level in the dictatorial ladder, telling me which hospital in their "system" I have to go to based on my particular health concern. Heart problems? Hospital #1. Having a baby or gyne issue? Hospital #2. Live in the suburb and have to go to the ER? Whoops, we closed hospital #3's ER and Hospital #2's ER is closing soon.....

I'd better go to bed before I get too riled up.

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