Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm really tired

I have a lot of trouble sleeping these days, thanks to a kaleidoscope of reasons. I have sleep apnea and have used CPAP quite successfully since 2005...until recently, when it no longer seems to be working. That's usually a sign that the pressure that is delivered must be increased. I have taken steps to deal with that but I'm fighting against a medical equipment company that cannot seem to get things right. First, they insisted that it was the type of mask and switched me from a nasal mask (covers just the nose) to a full-face mask that covers nose and mouth.

It didn't work. I didn't sleep well and the fam reported that I was snoring with the mask on.

Called the doctor about getting the pressure increased but of course he had to "see me" first. He agreed that I might need higher pressure and ordered an auto-titrate 2 week trial. The auto-titrate machine sets the pressure according to your needs by sensing obstruction or apneic periods. The first machine they gave me made high pitched moaning noises with each breath in and each exhale. 2 nights, no sleep. They brought a new machine out 2 days later and I settled in for what I hoped would be a good 2 weeks.

Silly me.

Remember that full-face mask? Turns out that it is difficult to keep it sealed under higher pressures. The respiratory therapist at the medical equipment company told me that almost scornfully, as if to say, "silly woman, don't you know that?" And so I pulled out my old mask. I slept fairly well for 10 nights with some mask issues (leaks, pressure on my nose, etc.) and then attempted to return the auto-titrate machine for analysis. It had a computer card that recorded the pressures that it delivered according to my needs. I called to confirm pick up and it took several days before they finally picked it up. More delay in treatment.

When they picked it up, I noticed that the physician listed as my PCP was instead the orthopedic surgeon who fixed my ankle 4 years ago. This has been an issue- whenever I call, they ask me if Dr. K is still my PCP and I tell them, every time, that no, Dr. M is my PCP. I called AGAIN and they promised once again to fix the data in their database.

I called my doc to see if they had received the report and if I would indeed need a pressure change. Guess what? They didn't get the report. Guess who got the report? The orthopedic surgeon, who really doesn't care about my sleep apnea, and probably doesn't even remember who I am anymore.

Through all of this, I am still not sleeping. I'm back to using my machine with inadequate pressure and leaky masks. I'm back to snoring through my CPAP. Most of all, I'M TIRED AND CRANKY. I'm fighting with restless leg/arms (my body does that in an effort to wake me up and breathe), worrying because my son will deploy to the Middle East next month, missing my husband who is working in Cleveland during the week, and concern because my daughter is having trouble finding a job. I do a lot of praying.

Who can sleep with all of that?

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