Thursday, November 4, 2010

Telephone Etiquette

Sorry I have been absent for awhile. Busy.

Yesterday I read an excellent blog about clothing... check it out at

In the same spirit, I want to discuss telephone etiquette.

I love my cell phone. It is a wonderful thing. I rarely use my home phone, preferring the portability and privacy of my cell phone. I don't actually make many calls because for some reason I have developed a real aversion to talking on the phone, but some calls are unavoidable. In those cases, please observe the following "suggestions" when using your phone.

1. If you know that our phone call will be short, do my the courtesy of turning down the TV/radio/mp3 player and give me your full attention. I'm often calling about something that will take up less than 5 minutes of your time, but it is irritating as hell to try to talk over the TV/radio/mp3 player.

2. If you know that our phone call will be short, please put down the iron/vacuum cleaner/etc. See above.

3. Use of the speakerphone. It makes the call very awkward- I can't hear you properly, the sound cuts in and out, and ambient noise will trigger the speakerphone. If you can possibly avoid the speakerphone, please do.

4. This should be a given, but please turn your ringer off while you're in a quiet place. If you forget, and it rings, please hit a button to stop the ring. Don't pretend that it's someone else's phone. Some of those ringers go on and on and on and on.....

5. When you're not using the phone, take the Bluetooth out of your ear. You don't look cool.Sorry.

Please take these suggestions in the spirit in which they are offered. In other words, if you want me to like you, pay attention to these rules!!!!

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